Horseman's Green Community

November Events
December Events
2nd November - Poppy Coffee
Our annual Poppy Coffee at the Green Cafe with all monies donated to the Royal British Legion. Coffee (or tea) and delicious homemade cakes. there will also be poppies and other Remembrance Day items available for sale.
For further information, please see the latest Newsletter. (click here)
8th November - Quiz Night
Yes it's back! Teams of no more than six. It's a cheap fun night and an excuse to exercise those grey cells. For further information, please see the latest Newsletter. (click here)
22nd November - Autumn Supper
Enjoy a pleasant Autumn supper evening and a chat over a wonderful plated buffet and dessert. Bar available. For further information, please see the latest Newsletter. (click here​)
The Autumn Supper event has been cancelled due to sickness.
1st December - Christmas Tree Lights Switch On
it’s HG’s very own Christmas Lights switch on. Let your Christmas celebrations begin. ALL
are invited to the Community Hall at 4.15pm for a hot drink, and a few Christmas Nibbles. for further details please see the latest Newsletter. (click here)
17th December - Christmas Carols
Once again it’s time for us to come together for our Community Christmas Carols. Doors open at 6.30pm. For further details please see the latest Newsletter. (click here)