Horseman's Green Community

Horseman's Green Book Group
Like a good read, then look no further. The inaugural meeting of the Horseman’s Green Book Group was held on Monday 16 May 2022 in the Community Hall.
Since then members of the Book Group have continued to meet monthly. Interested, then please consider joining us on the first Monday of the month at 10 am in Horseman's Green Community Hall. What a lovely way to spend an hour; discussing a good book over coffee and tea with like-minded people. The books are by various authors suggested by members and is a great way to recommend your favourite authors or to discover new.
The Group is very well supported by the Wrexham Mobile Library Service who somehow manage to source and provide copies of the books for Group members.
If you would like to join the Group please contact Julie on 07799607367.
For further details and dates please see the latest Newsletter by clicking here​.