Horseman's Green Community

Seniors Gentle Exercise Group
Have you been wondering if gentle exercise would help your
fitness and wellbeing?
The seniors gentle exercise group meets every Tuesday afternoon at 1.30pm in Horseman’s Green Community Hall. It’s run by Rachel, a qualified instructor with many years’ experience with these types of classes and the participants love the range of low impact exercises she offers.
This group may be promoted as a senior’s activity but it’s also suitable for anyone who want to maintain or improve their strength, flexibility and balance. Everyone is welcome, whatever your age; there's strong evidence that being physically active can help you lead a healthier and happier life.
People who exercise regularly have a lower risk of developing many long-term conditions, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and some cancers, and research shows that physical activity can also boost self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and energy, as well as reducing your risk of stress.
Each session costs just £2, and after the class you’re welcome to stay for a chat and coffee, which is included in the cost. If you would like more information, please get in touch with Andrea on 07936 295523.
Ydach chwi’n pendroni a fyddai ymarfer corff yn helpu’ch ffitrwydd a’ch lles?
Mae’r grwp ymarfer corff ysgafn hyn yn cyfarfod pob prynhawn ddydd Mawrth am 1-30 o’r gloch yn Neuadd Gymunedol Horsemans Green. Mae’r dosbarth yn cael ei harwain gan Rachel, sy’n hyfforddwraig cymwys gyda blynyddoedd lawer o brofiad gyda’r mathau hyn o ddosbarthiadau ac mae’r cyfranogwyr wrth eu boddau yn cymryd rhan yn y gweithgareddau effaith isel.
Gellir hyrwyddo’r grwp hwn fel gweithgaredd uwch ac mae hefyd yn addas ar gyfer unrhyw un sydd am gynnal neu wella eu cryfder, eu hyblygrwydd a’u cydbwysedd. Mae croeso i bawb beth bynnag fo’u hoedran. Mae tystiolaeth gref y gall bod yn gorfforol weithgar eich helpu i arwain tuag at bywyd iachach.
Mae tal o £2 am bob sesiwn ac mae hyn yn cynwys coffi a sgwrs wedyn. Os hoffech gael mwy o wybodaeth, cysylltwch gyda Andrea wrth ffonio: 07936 295523.

Light Exercise for Seniors
We’re very happy to announce we’ve received a grant from The National Lottery Community Fund to fund an instructor for our gentle exercise class and for suitable exercise equipment. This group was original set up with the help of the Community Development Officer based at the Rainbow Foundation, Penley. Now Rachel Boothman has taken over the reins of the Gentle Exercise Group with last Tuesday being her first session in the Community Hall and she was welcoming by all the members of the group. As well as many other exercise styles, Rachel is a qualified instructor for ‘Exercise to Music’, ‘Rosemary Conley Fitness’ and ‘Pilates.
We all know moving more is good for us. But knowing the level of activity that's right for you, especially if you've just had a fall, an operation, or are living with a long-term health condition, can be difficult; If this sounds like you, Rachel has developed some simple and easy-to-follow weekly exercise programmes; so why not check when the next session is on the Newsletter and come along.
Each session costs £2 and includes a coffee break at the end of the session, a great opportunity to chat with friends and make new ones. For further details and dates please see the latest Newsletter by clicking here​.
Horseman’s Green Community Group – Exercise class for Seniors
Everyone within the Horseman’s Green Community Group is very happy to have received a grant from The National Lottery to provide a weekly exercise class in the Community Hall for seniors and those in the community who want to increase their physical activity and improve the flexibility.
Andrea Porter “Initially we were helped to set up this class, for residents and those in the wider community, for a six weeks trial by our local Community Development Officer based at Penley Rainbow Foundation. This proved successful and we’re very grateful to The National Lottery for their support which enables us to pay a qualified instructor for the coming year along with purchasing suitable exercise equipment. We also provide a coffee break after the class which has also been a success and gives those attending an opportunity to chat to people and make new friends especially for those who live alone.”
Jenny, who attends the class says “We all know moving more is good for us, but knowing the level of activity that's right, especially if you've just had a fall, an operation, or are living with a long-term health condition, can be difficult. This class helps enormously and its reassuring to have a qualified instructor”
Mae pawb o fewn y gymuned yn Horseman’s Green yn hapus iawn wrth dderbyn rhodd gan Y Loteri Genedlaethol i gynnal dosbarth wythnosol i'r rhai hun yn y gymuned sydd eisiau ychwynegu at eu gweithgarwch corfforol a gwellhau eu
Mae Andrea Porter yn dweud "Yn y cychwyn, cynorthwywyd ni i ddechrau dosbarth prawf am chwech wythnos gan y swyddog leol am Ddatblygiad Cymunedol sydd yn seiliedig yn y Ganolfan Enfys ym Mhenley.
'Roedd hyn yn lwyddianus ac 'rydym ni'n ddiolchgar i'r Loteri Genedlaethol am ei chefnogaeth sydd yn galluogi ni logi hyfforddwraig teilwng am y flwyddyn ac i ni brynnu offer addas am y gweithgareddau.
Yn ogystal, mae toriad coffi ar ddiweddglo'r dosbarth yn rhoi'r cyfle i'r trigolion sgwrsio gyda'i gilydd a gwneud ffrindiau newydd sydd yn bwysig i'r rhai sydd yn unig.
Mae Jenny sydd yn adlewyrchu'r dosbarth yn dweud " 'Ryda ni i gyd yn gwybod bod mwy o symudiad yn dda i ni, ond gwybod i ba lefel o weithgarwch sydd yn iawn i ni, yn enwedig ar ol codwm, llawfegyddaeth, neu bod gennych afiechyd parhaol, yn gallu bod yn galed arnoch.
Mae'r dosbarth yn rhoi llawer o gymorth i ni ac mae'n galonogol bod gennym hyfforddwr teilwng".