Horseman's Green Community

History of the Community Hall
The story begins with the formation of the 1st Hanmer Scout Group in 1912.
The Scouts met at a variety of locations in and around Hanmer until the mid 1930’s when their then location, alongside what is now the A539, was lost due to road improvements. Alternative premises were urgently required.

A disused nissen hut in Horseman’s Green was offered for use and so the group moved from Hanmer to Horseman’s Green. The Scouts were happy to meet here for a number of years but as time went on, and as living standards improved, better conditions were sought. In the mid 1950’s, the residents of Horseman’s Green kindly donated a piece of land close to the nissen hut on which the Scouts were able to construct a brick built meeting place. A new, ‘Scout Hut’ was opened in 1957. The Scout Group continued to thrive for many years and the settlement of Horseman’s Green gradually expanded.
Towards the end of the 20th century, with an increased population, community events began to be held on an occasional basis in the Scout Hut. The events helped raise funds to update the facilities for the Scouts. These together with donations from the local Parish Council resulted in improvements being made to the building structure.
Unfortunately as the 21st century progressed, the number of Scouts began to dwindle until eventually the group was not viable. In 2015 it was decided to disband the 1st Hanmer Scout Group and the doors were locked.
This was a terrible blow to the local residents who had begun to enjoy their occasional social gatherings and Quiz Nights.
A small group of residents banded together to take on the task of purchasing the building from the owners, Wrexham District Scouts.
In recognition of the local community’s support of the scouts, a purchase fee of £50,000 was agreed upon.
Following an open meeting in January of 2016 attended by the majority of residents of Horseman’s Green it was agreed to go ahead with the purchase.
The Horseman’s Green Community Group (HGCG) was established and registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
In 2017 the terms of the lease were finalised. The scouts granted the HGCG twelve months to raise the money.
What followed was a period of ‘all hands on deck’ as volunteers worked on the hall to bring it up to a serviceable standard.
October of 2017 saw the grand opening celebration of the Horseman’s Green Community Hall at which over one hundred local residents showed their support for the venture!
Fund raising events continued to be held and grant applications submitted until finally in May 2018 news came that all had been waiting for – People & Places in Wales, a part of the Big Lottery, awarded the group £50,000 for the hall purchase.
The residents of Horseman’s Green became the official owners of the old Scout Hut and the Community Hall was born.