Horseman's Green Community

History Club Index
A list of the artefacts held in the history section with a brief description to enable you to find the correct item.
Click below to view the items associated with each entry..
AA001- Photograph of Scout Hut
AA002 - Memorial plaque mounted in the Scout hut
AA003 - Aerial photograph of Meggernie and part of Corner House
AA004 - Aerial photograph of Oak Villa and Scout Hut
AA005 - Aerial view of Ten Oaks, Oak Villa and Scout Hut
AA006 - Aerial photograph of original cottage standing where Millfield now stands
AA007 - Photograph of Horseman's Green Mission Room
AA008 - Aerial photograph of Horseman's Green taken from above Halghton Villa
AA009 - Aerial photograph of Horseman's Green taken from east of Halghton Villa
AA010 - Postcard of Corner House
AA011 - Aerial photograph of Horseman's Green from the north
AA012 - 1873 Ordnance Survey map of Hanmer & Worthenbury Parishes
AA013 - 1873 Ordnance Survey map of Worthenbury & Hanmer & Threapwood Parishes
AA014 - Whitchurch Herald cutting of Fenns Bank and Isycoed Cricket Club, single wicket competition
AA015 - Whitchurch Herald cutting of Fenns Hunting Lodge Cricket Club annual prize giving
AA016 - Postcard of Newhaven when it was a Wesleyan Chapel
AA018 - Ted Roberts life story - reference to Horseman's Green bakery and New Hall Farm
AA019 - Lord Kenyon family map books
AA020 - Big Lottery Fund award to buy the Scout Hut as shown in the Whitchurch Herald
AA021 - Charles Close Society for the study of OS maps of 1888-1861
AA022 - Section of the Flintshire Historical Journal from 1779
AA023 - Selection of newspaper articles 1853-1861 from the Whitchurch Heritage Centre
AA024 - Horseman's Green Farm photographs from 1995
AA025 - Part of the Whitchurch, Nantwich and English Maelor 1905 OS
AA029 - Horseman's Green Post Office and Bakery, ran by the Phillips family
AA030 - Aerial photograph of Horseman's Green, from David and Hilary Andrews
AA031 - English Wesleyan Chapel at the Hollies
AA032 - Some memories of Horseman's Green from Roy Stevenson, John Faulkner and Eddie Butler
AA033 - Campaign medals of John Thomas Stevenson
AA034 - Max Griffiths and living in Walnut Cottage and Rose Cottage
AA035 - The Dukes, Dukes Mews and Dukes Byre
AA037 - Pictures from Mike Egan re: Glebe Cottage
AA038 - A brief history of ROF Wrexham
AA040 - A brief history of RAF Ternhill
AA041 - Aerial photograph of Glebe Cottage, Homestead and New Haven circa 1967
AA042 - Photographs of hall garden taken in 2017
AA043 - H.B. Davenport, millers of Haighton Mill
AA044 - Aerial photograph of Glebe Cottage, Glebe Farm and New Haven
AA045 - Photographs of the original cottage, standing where Millfield now stands, after its collapse