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History Club



  • To collect and collate recent and past history relating to Horseman’s Green and its immediate surrounding area. This history to include all aspects of the hamlet from buildings (how they are now and how they’ve changed) and businesses, the land and any secrets it holds, right through to the people (past and present) with their family links and personal history.


  • To establish a website, open to all, where this information will be displayed.


  • To hold open meetings where people can hear about the community’s history and from invited speakers.


  • To arrange visits to local sites and buildings of historical interest. 

How you can help

Do you have any photographs of houses as they are now and also as they used to be?

Do you have any old newspaper cuttings of events in Horseman’s Green?

Do you have details of people who lived here and have moved?

Would you talk to us about your experiences growing up in this area?

Let us know of any family tree connections


If you have any historical information, photographs, maps etc. etc. relating to Horseman's Green and the surrounding area, please let us know and we will add them to the website. The more information we have the more accurate the result and the more enjoyable the experience. Don't forget "historical" means our recent past as well as long ago.


Items will be added as soon as possible. If you see anything missing or incorrect please contact


For further details and dates please see the latest Newsletter by clicking here​.


Click here to access the HISTORY ARCHIVE



Charity Number: 1165691

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