Horseman's Green Community

Community Christmas Carol and Prize Draw
Thanks to all who braved the cold on Tuesday evening for the annual Community Carol Singing in the Hall. The mulled wine was flowing and mince pies had been donated – always a worry!
David Andrews (supported by Hilary) was a star on the piano and Jackie ably led us through the chosen carols. The men certainly surprised with their contributions on the male only verses. Could there be some recruits for the Green Singers? Needless to say the best performance of the evening was reserved for “The Twelve Days of Christmas” perhaps by then the mulled wine was beginning to have an effect!
Thanks to all who helped with the organisation and delivery of this festive event. What a super evening we had. Thank you one and all.
In addition the evening witnessed the first £100 prize for our 212 CLUB. Amazingly for this FIRST PRIZE draw, the winning ticket was .... number ONE! The FIRST ticket sold! The winner was Elwyn Hughes. Congratulations to Elwyn.
The next draw for the 212 CLUB will be at the Soup Bowl on January 13th 2024.
The evening was brought to a close with “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” – I wish this to you now, have a GREAT Christmas!

Christmas Tree Lights Switch On - 2023
Thanks to all who braved the cold and the damp on Sunday afternoon, for our third Christmas Lights.
The tree seems to get better each year; although I think we have the height right now!
It was a joy to see so many of you and we hope you enjoyed it.
You made it very special for our guest, Andrea! Andrea was voted to switch the lights on by all on the Management Team as a reward for her hard work in acquiring grants and setting up Activity Groups for all our benefit.
We also had the FIRST of our 212 Club winners.
These were:
First Prize £30 Jenny Birchall
Second Prize £20 Sue Tole
Third Prize £15 Mark Rosson
Due to your AMAZING support we have upped the prize money AGAIN! We are so very grateful for the interest which has been shown.
Don’t miss the next draw – at the Community Carols on December 19th.
This time there will be just one winner for £100!!
Thanks to everyone who made yesterday afternoon so special for so many people.
Poppy Coffee - Saturday 4th November 2023
It was a delight to attend Saturday’s Poppy Coffee where for once I was a guest. So many people in attendance – our largest Posh Coffee turn out yet with 68 guests. Unbelievable! Great to see locals wanting to support the Royal British Legion, as all monies taken on Saturday is being donated to this charity. £197 was raised on the door – thank you to you all for heeding the advice on November’s Newsletter and NOT missing this event.
Yvonne had certainly worked hard to decorate all the tables with her homemade poppies, tea light holders and poppy petals – all a wonderful sight. Yvonne’s crafting talents didn’t stop with these table decorations as there also was a table of Poppy memorabilia made by her fair hands. Lovely to see too the grandchildren, Jac and Ella, helping Nan and granddad once again by selling poppies.
It was certainly a busy time for Andrea on the door and the team of helpers in the kitchen led by Hilary. Thank you to you all for stepping forward on this very special Saturday. Thanks also to all who baked cakes – and there certainly were some delicious ones. (Don’t tell anyone but I treated myself to two!). A very, very special thanks to Yvonne for all the hard work put into making this a very special and enjoyable morning. Certainly an annual date for our diaries.
Lands End to John o'Groats - Solo
Summer Festival
It was another first on Friday evening at the Summer Party as the Hall was packed to listen to a live music performance.
An appreciative audience welcomed local residents Tristan and Hayley who had kindly agreed to perform a medley of songs both past and present.
It was a super evening’s entertainment nicely rounded off by Jackie’s plate buffet. Gareth and Colin on the bar were kept busy throughout the evening.
The evening also saw the FIRST use of our new tables. The Hall looked resplendent with its new tables and chairs. Do hope you were all comfortable?
Special thanks to Tristan and Hayley for stepping up to the mark. Always wonderful when locals come forward to share their talents.
Thanks also to “technical support”, Paul; to Jackie for preparing the refreshments; Gareth and Colin and as always Andrea on the door.
Posh Coffee and Talk by the NE Wales Mountain Rescue Service
Whilst Friday evening was a night of light entertainment, the previous Saturday the Community Group hosted a Posh Coffee morning with a more serious tone. Chris Griffiths a local North East Wales Search and Rescue volunteer gave an illustrated talk on this essential fourth emergency service. It is hard to believe that such an important service is dependent upon volunteers, many of whom are retired, but are willing to be on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 52 weeks of the year. Not only that it has to be self financing receiving less than £1000 per year from the Welsh Government. It was certainly an interesting and very thought provoking talk. Thanks go to all who attended, donated cakes and helped at this special coffee morning which raised nearly £100 for the organisation.
Beetle Drive - 27th January 2023
The Beetles ran amok in Horseman’s Green on Friday night, as the Community Group hosted a Beetle Drive. We’re not talking about a spin in the iconic Volkswagen Beetle car, but that game so frequently played at parties and family gatherings back in ‘the good old days’.
Memories being what they are, and with a bunch of youngsters more used to the electronic pads, the night began with a resume of the rules: shake a six to start for the beetle body; (yes those archaic items called a dice and shaker were used). Once you had the body then the six legs could be added all requiring a throw of a 3; whilst the two wings needed a 4. No antennae or eyes could be drawn until a head was secured on the throw of a 5. All good old fashioned fun, but it has to be said it took a couple of rounds before all ( including the organiser) became au fait with the rules, then it was full steam ahead as the dice was passed fast and furiously around the table
An absolutely delightful evening as squeals rang out – a body or head was secured! What was particularly special was the audience included several grandparents out for a night of family fun with their grandchildren, leaving parents’ at home for a quiet night in.
Tea, coffee and light refreshments were served at the interval. Thanks go to Jackie, Horseman’s Green own catering expert for taking charge of this side of the evening. With an optional raffle included the evening raised approximately £140 for the Community Hall fund.